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French and Chinese President having dinner cooked by Chef Alain Ducasse
Jan 01, 2018

ducasseChinese President Xi Jinping was received by French President, their dinner in Versailles was cooked by Alain Ducasse, probably the greatest Chef from France with 18 Michelin stars cumulated in all his restaurants.

Our sommelier Nicolas Rebut was Chef Sommelier in his most famous restaurant "Louis XV" in Monaco.

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Deals and delicious food on last day of China-France state visit

Chinese President Xi Jinping ended his visit to France with a tour of the Palace of Versailles. He and his wife Peng Liyuan have been hosted by French President Francois Hollande during the three-day state visit.

All three listened to a concert at Versaille’s Royal Opera House and had dinner in the Grand Trianon. The lavish private meal was cooked by the renowned Alain Ducasse – who has the most Michelin stars of any chef in the world.
