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The French Cellar Community - Mini-interview Master Kevin Foong
Jan 01, 2018
The French Cellar Community
Master Kevin Foong  馮維宸
- Are you a wine enthusiast? a French wine lover? Yes, visited Bordeaux during my 20s and visited some of the wineries and fall in love with some of the wine selection. As a feng shui master, most of my clients are high net-worth individuals, where they always show me their impressive collection of good wines, especially from French. Locally, it is not easy to find good wines, apart from recommendation from some of the shops. - Yin & Yang and wine, Yin & Yang in wine? In Feng shui or Bazi reading (destiny analysis), we have to balance the energy between Yin and Yang, that contributes to success in life. Whether we are talking about balancing land energy, building structure concepts or the Yin and Yang environment in a person’s birth chart, anything that is off-balance turns out bad. Having too much fire element in a person birth chart, translate to him having heart, eyes and blood pressure problem. The same applies to wine. Pairing good wine to good food was never an easy task to go with, even though the general concept teaches white wine is for white meat such as fish and chicken while the red wines blends well with beef, red meat. I certainly appreciate the details provided by The French Cellar on their brochures every time we received our new wines selection monthly. The details goes all the way to actual taste and description of the wine, to food pairing. It also educates us in-depth knowledge of different types of red & white wine. - What do you think about The French Cellar subscription concept? It is easy, hassle free for me to be able to taste good wines specially imported from French. The monthly subscription allows us to try different type of wines which fascinate me the most. - Would you recommend The French Cellar to your friends? Certainly! Had already pass the words to my clients to increase their new portfolio of good wines!  

Thank you very much

Glad  to have you in The French Cellar community

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