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"In Singapore it is a very expensive way to learn about wines by trial and error."
"In Singapore it is a very expensive way to learn about wines by trial and error."
Jan 01, 2018

The French Cellar Community

Peter Earnshaw


Peter,  why did you subscribe to The French Cellar? 

In Singapore it is a very expensive way to learn about wines by trial and error.  With the French Cellar you are guaranteed to have an excellent set of wine delivered each month.  I recently took out a second subscription because one was just not enough.

Are sommelier’s tasting notes sent to you every month with the wines useful?

The concept behind the French cellar is to not only provide you with the wine but alos help you understand why you like a certain type of wine.  The tasting notes allow you to understand what characteristics of the wine you like so that when you buy a bottle in a restaurant or shop you know the sort of profile of wine you actually enjoy.  I actually use the website for the tasting notes as I don’t always drink the wine straight away so normally loose the hard copy notes.

You attended a few wine tastings, how were the events?

The wine tastings are one of the key benefits of the French Cellar.  They are purposely kept to small groups and the hosts (such as Lucas) are incredibly knowledgeable about wine.  It is an excellent night out to learn more about wine as well as meet other people who are interested in the world of French wine.  It is also a great way to taste some of the wine that you have already received but not opened and ask the team at the French Cellar about food pairings etc.

Would you recommend The French Cellar to your friends?

I already have because it means they are then guaranteed to have decent wine in their house for the next time I visit.


Thanks Peter, glad to have you in The French Cellar community!


Wine novice or interested in discovering wines you do not have access to?  Every month receive two bottles of exclusive French wines at home with our sommelier’s tasting guide. Find out more

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