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France gets two new three-star Michelin restaurants
France gets two new three-star Michelin restaurants
Jan 01, 2018

michelinThree French chefs received the most coveted prize in top-level gastronomy on Monday, when their restaurants were awarded three Michelin stars in the 2015 edition of the guide, the French Foreign Ministry announced.

Yannick Alleno’s Parisian “Ledoyen” and French chalet restaurant “La Bouitte”, run by father-and-son team Réné and Maxime Meilleur, joined the pantheon of top eateries in the self-styled home of gastronomy. Réné, 64, and Maxime, 39, were awarded the prize for their “extraordinary” skills with fish, said Michael Ellis, director of international guides for Michelin. The guide also hailed the Alpine chalet restaurant as “generous, authentic and full of emotion.” Diners at ‘La Bouitte’, located at an altitude of 2,500 metres (8,200 feet), can feast on a menu that varies from trout, scallops and crawfish to frogs' legs with black garlic and watercress, duck foie gras escalope, sweetbreads and venison. The Michelin guide is the most renowned restaurant guide in the world, with just one star making or breaking a restaurant. The top prize is three stars, signifying that a restaurant is worth a “special journey.” Two stars is for a restaurant that is “worth a detour”, and a one star restaurant is a “good place to stop on your journey.” (article in Straits Times available here)

Nicolas Rebut, The French Cellar sommelier, was Chef sommelier of Yannick Alleno at Le Meurice, 3-star Michelin restaurant in Paris. Yannick Alleno just got 3-stars for his new restaurant Ledoyen in Paris.

Find out more about Nicolas Rebut

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 Ledoyen Paris

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 La Bouitte Savoie